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Open Call for Track Session Proposals

The AEM leadership team is organizing track sessions for the 2023 AAEA Meeting in Washington, D.C. (July 23-25). We would like to invite you to submit your proposals.

The AAEA has allocated four track sessions to our section which can be used for AEM-specific track sessions and/or joint track sessions with other AAEA sections (e.g., TLC, Econometrics, FAMPS, AFM, etc…).

Track sessions must fit one of the following formats:

  • Four presentations with no discussants or panelists,
  • Three presentations with a maximum of one discussant,
  • Two presentations with a maximum of two discussants or panelists, or
  • Lightning Session - with a maximum of 8, 9-minute presentations
  • In sessions without presentations, a maximum of five participants may be included as panelists.

Please send your proposals (using the attached template) or just ideas and inquiries to me at on or before Tueday, November 22nd. As our number of allocated sessions is limited (4 track sessions), please indicate in your proposal if you would be willing to present your session virtually.

The AEM leadership team will evaluate and select proposals with the highest potential to generate interest and high attendance by AEM members and AAEA participants. Based on select proposals we will develop and submit a final proposal to AAEA which is due on Dec 5th.

The association and section leadership encourage participation of early career faculty and graduate students in track session proposals. Please encourage your early career colleagues and collaborators to submit proposals and ideas for AEM or joint track sessions.