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AAEA Sections

AAEA Sections are subgroups of AAEA formed by members with common interests or focuses. Sections promote networking through activities such as, e-mail discussion listervs, pre- and post-conference workshops and track sessions at the Annual Meeting. AAEA members can join a section when renewing their membership or at any point in the year through the My Account section. For a brief overview of all AAEA sections, click here. For more details, explore each Section's website below.

View all of the recorded 2020 sessions on the AAEA YouTube page.

2024-2025 Section Executive Committees

Agribusiness Economics &


Agricultural Finance &


Africa Section


Applied Risk
Analysis Section

Agricultural Trade and
Policy Section


Australasia Section


Brewing & Enology
Economic Research


Chairs, Heads, Administrators
Information Roundtable Section

China Section


Committee on the
Opportunities & Status of
Blacks in Agricultural Economics

Community & Regional
Economics Network


Committee on Women in
Agricultural Economics


Econometrics Section


Experimental Economics

Extension Section


Food & Agricultural
Marketing Policy Section

Food Safety and
Nutrition Section


Graduate Student Section


Health Economics

Institutional & Behavioral
Economics Section

International Section


Land, Water, & Environmental
Economics Section


Latin American Section


Labor Economics Section


South Asia Section

Specialty Crop Economics

Senior Section

Undergraduate Student


Teaching, Learning, &
Communications Section