The objective of the Africa Section is to bring together AAEA members with an interest in teaching, research, outreach and engagement activities related to agricultural and applied economics and policy issues in Africa and its linkage to the U.S. and the world. The section will serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and identify opportunities for collaboration among members and other professionals in academia, industry and government.
The membership of the Africa Section is open to any AAEA member with an interest in agricultural and applied economics activities related to research, teaching, extension and outreach. It is hoped that this section will be of special interest to African members of the AAEA.
You can learn more about joining AAEA by visiting the AAEA membership page. If you are already a member of AAEA and would like to join the Africa Section, you can do so by completing this form (PDF) or logging in to the My Account section and completing the Online Section Form.
Membership fees are $10 for regular members and free for students LI-LMI members.
In 2017/2018, the Africa section of the AAEA launched a pilot mentoring program to support young African scholars on article writing and publication. You can learn more about this program and the section’s experience here.