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Quality of Research Discovery Award

The Quality of Research Discovery Award is granted to encourage excellent publications in fields consistent with the AAEA Vision Statement. A maximum of two awards are given each year. Entries must demonstrate excellence and creativity in research methodology and/or expand the frontiers of applied economics. We encourage submissions from women, underrepresented minorities and members from a broad set of academic, government, industry and NGO organizations.

Nomination Guidelines

Nominations are due on February 4, 2024.

  • An individual nominated for the award, or at least one individual in the case of a group nomination, must be a 2024 AAEA member. No requirements regarding number of authors or professional experience are imposed. 
  • Entries must have been published in 2023.
  • A given article is eligible for only one award in either the Quality of Research Discovery or Quality of Communication category. Nominations should be submitted for only one category, which is clearly identified. 

To nominate, fill out the online Quality of Research Discovery Award Nomination Form linked below. The form will ask you to upload one PDF file containing all the Award Nomination Materials in the order listed below.

Nomination Materials

â–¡ Nomination Letter

  • Maximum of one page single-spaced, 12-point font
  • Document the publication's contributions to the profession

â–¡ Copy of the publication

  • Electronic form preferred.
  • If materials must be submitted in hard copy form, seven copies of the publication should be mailed to The AAEA Business Office at 555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1100, Milwaukee, WI 53202 no later than January 30, 2024.

Please submit this completed form as well as any nomination materials to

If you have any questions about your nomination, or the nomination process, please contact Michael Storey at or (414) 918-3190.