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Keith Fuglie

Keith Fuglie has the fourth highest number of citations (7,848) and the third highest H-index (46) of this year’s nominees.  His support letters are from AAEA fellows and superstars including James Mcdonald, Robert Chambers, Derek Byerlee, Julian Alston, Joe Glauber, Thomas Hertel,  Spiro Stefanou and Thom Jane.  The excerpts of these letters in the nomination packet are particularly strong. They speak about Keith’s work on technical change in agricultural productivity, particularly at the international level. Keith developed an international agricultural productivity database and he keeps this updated. This database has been made available to other scholars. He also devoted his time to document and measure global private sector agriculture spending. And again, he shared this information with other researchers.  His willingness to spend so much time building high quality databases and to then share this publicly so that the profession can move forward is impressive. With a growing world population, we need to maximize global agricultural productivity and Keith’s work has informed almost all research in this area. I strongly support this nomination. Dermot Hayes