J. Edward Taylor

Ed has been widely recognized for his contributions to research, teaching, and outreach as well as to AAEA, most recently as an editor of the AJAE. His research on a range of development economics, labor, migration, and environment topics appears in top general economics, field, and scientific journals and has garnered more than 16,000 citations according to Google Scholar, along with wide media attention. Ed pioneered methods to evaluate the effects of projects and policies on local economies, showcased in a new Oxford Press book, Beyond Experiments in Development Economics. His award-winning research on the end of farm labor abundance has far-reaching implications for farmers, farm workers, and rural communities in the United States and Mexico. Ed is listed in the most recent edition of Who’s Who in Economics.
Ed is a mentor, friend, and colleague to a generation of Davis graduate and undergraduate students, whom he has brought into research projects on five continents. His innovative RebelText initiative provides students with a creative, flexible and affordable alternative to traditional textbooks. University of California, Davis honored Ed with the Distinguished Scholarly Public Service Award, for “us[ing] his expertise as a development economist to make significant contributions to the world, nation, state, and local communities.”