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President’s Column

October 2019

I write this newsletter from Boston where we just wrapped up two days of meetings with Wiley Publishing. We have entered into an agreement with Wiley to publish the AJAE and AEPP. Our discussions were quite positive, and I believe you will begin seeing some new and innovative changes in 2020.  Also consider submitting your work to our two other publications – Choices and Applied Economics Teaching Resources. Having spent two days with some of our editors, let me publically thank them for the hard work and editorial judgements they must make. I am excited about the future of all our journals. 

On a related note, I encourage you to consider submitting invited paper proposals for the 2020 AAEA Annual Meeting. These articles may be published in the AEPP. Note this is a change from previous years when the invited papers were submitted to the AJAE. So consider the difference in style. Proposals need to be submitted using the online submission system by Tuesday, December 3, 2019. The system will open in early November. Similarly we are looking for great Pre- and Post- conference Workshop proposals which are due the same day.

Relevant Industry Engagement
A special committee has been formed to look at the relationship between the AAEA and those trained in our profession who have taken jobs in the private sector. As I mentioned in my Presidential Address, roughly 25% of our PhD graduates work in industry, but only 3% of our members work in industry. Carola Grebetus and Ashok Mishra, chairs of the Membership and Employment Services committee will serve as co-chairs of this committee. We are asking them to see if there are opportunities for the Association to find synergism with applied economists working in various industries.

NAAEA Meeting
In a couple of weeks the National Association of Agricultural Economics Administrators (NAAEA) will gather for a meeting organized by the Council on Food and Agricultural, and Resource Economics (C-FARE). This will be coordinated with the annual Jon Brandt forum. It will be a great opportunity to discuss the four prongs of our strategic plan which we are developing.

  • Culture of Engagement
  • Mentoring Programs
  • Communicating through Media Relations & Government Relations
  • Financial Viability

I want to end with an appeal to the many members of our association who have retired or moved to another agency. We still want to be your professional home. Our Board would like to hear from you regarding how we can still serve you.  

Keith Coble
AAEA President