Announcing the 2018 AAEA Fellows
AAEA would like to congratulate the 2018 Fellows:
Call for Applications
Travel Grants for Early Career Professionals and Graduate Students
The AAEA Trust seeks applications for Early Career Professional and Graduate Student Travel Grants. These grants defray housing and transportation costs associated with attending the 2018 AAEA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. on August 5-7. The amount of the travel grant awarded will depend on the number of applications received.
The deadline for submission is May 23, 2018. To apply, please visit https://aaea.execinc.com/edibo/TravelGrants2018App.
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Call for Applications
AAEA Annual Meeting International Travel Grants
The AAEA Trust seeks applications for AAEA Annual Meeting International Travel Grants. These grants defray housing and transportation costs associated with attending the 2018 AAEA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. on August 5-7. The amount of the travel grant awarded will depend on the number of applications received. The funds for these travel grants are provided by a grant from USDA-ERS.
The deadline for submission is May 23, 2018. To apply, please visit https://aaea.execinc.com/edibo/TravelGrants2018App.
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Uma Lele to Receive Award
Clifton R. Warton, Jr. Emerging Markets
Uma Lele is the 2018 recipient of the Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. Emerging Markets Award. Each year, The Wharton Award is presented from the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Emerging Markets Program’s International Symposium and SMART Program presentations where students share the results of their work carried out during global engagement projects in Africa and South America (http://emergingmarkets.dyson.cornell.edu/smart/ ). Lele’s contributions to economic development serve as an excellent representation of Clifton Wharton’s work in developing countries, an example that will inspire our students who are seeking careers in emerging markets. The Emerging Markets Program’s International Symposium, where the Clifton Wharton Award is presented, will be held on Tuesday 17 April from 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm at Cornell University.
Other News
Call for Applications:
2018 Heading North Award
Applications are now invited for the 2018 Heading North award. The Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) and the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) through the AAEA Trust will jointly offer this travel award to members of AARES or AAEA normally resident in Australia or New Zealand.
The objective of the award is to provide the winner with an opportunity for professional and personal development and international professional and cultural exchange. The award will have a value of US $3,000.00 USD to be used to assist the winner to participate in the 2018 Annual Meeting of AAEA to be held in Washington, D.C., August 5-7, 2018. Applicants for the award must be a member of either AARES or AAEA.
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Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research
*Special Issue* Effective Management of Natural Disasters: Conceptual, Empirical Issues and Case Studies
Guest Editor: Chennat Gopalakrishnan, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Call for Papers: Recent years have witnessed a dramatic increase in the human and economic impacts of natural disasters. Between 2003 and 2013, they have resulted in total economic damages of $1.5 trillion, 1.1 million deaths, and impacted the lives of 2 billion people. Furthermore, it is worth noting that there has been a steady increase in the intensity and frequency of natural disasters, 2017 representing a case in point. Water disasters have accounted over the years for a significant proportion of natural disasters in the U.S and globally.
Please prepare your papers in accordance with the guidelines posted at http://www.editorialmanager.com/jnrpr under “Instructions for Authors.” Inquiries may be directed to the Editor-in-Chief at: jnrpr@press.psu.edu. Deadline: May 1, 2018
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Journal of Consumer Affairs & Financial Literacy and Education Commission
Call for Papers: Deadline is Tomorrow
The Journal of Consumer Affairs and the Financial Literacy and Education Commission announce a Special Issue and Symposium on: “Effective Financial Capability Interventions for Economically Vulnerable Individuals and Families”
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