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Paul W. Barkley

Dr. Barkley has enjoyed a distinguished academic career, mostly at Washington State University. He was an early and seminal contributor to the fields of rural community development and environmental economics. Paul has never tired of teaching agricultural economists the strengths and weaknesses of their science and the need for clarity in communication. He is a deep and rigorous thinker, a careful scholar, a highly respected discussant and provocateur, and perhaps the best writer in our profession.

Paul Barkley has served AAEA in many ways over the years. Among other contributions, he led the Professional Activities Committee as it introduced Poster Sessions and Learning Workshops, and in various ways opened the Annual Meeting to broader participation. He served 10 years as member of the Choices Advisory Board, and three years as Editor of Choices. He chaired the committee that organized the AAEA Foundation, and in 1997 he became a Fellow of the Association.