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Selected Presentations Call for Abstracts

AAEA seeks submissions for Selected Presentations for the 2012 AAEA Annual Meeting in Seattle. Selected Presentations are a submission category that represents both Selected Papers and Selected Posters. All submissions are reviewed and accepted together, and only after acceptance are the submissions designated as a paper or poster. At the time of submission, individuals will have the option of having their submission considered as a poster only.

Submissions for Selected Presentations need to include a two-page, single-spaced abstract that provides a clear explanation of what will be presented at the Annual Meeting. Authors should include in this abstract a discussion of the relevance of the topic, research methodology, and potential for generating discussion during the meeting.

Abstracts need to be received by January 16, 2012, and should be submitted using AAEA’s online submission system. Material previously presented at other meetings cannot be accepted, and the submitting author will be asked to verify that the material has not been presented elsewhere.

You can submit your abstract using AAEA's online abstract system. You must be a 2012 AAEA member or pay a non-refundable $25 submission fee in order to submit to the 2012 Annual Meeting.

Review Process

All submissions will be subjected to a common, double-blind review process. After the review process has been completed, topic leaders will construct coherent selected paper sessions or topic-based poster sessions from the set of accepted presentations. Notification of whether a presentation proposal has been accepted will be sent by mid-March, or as soon as possible thereafter.


Posters will be prominently displayed during the meeting. Authors will be assigned a specific presentation session in which attendees can visit the posters. Poster authors should be available during their assigned interval for questions and discussion. The printed program will list the poster titles, authors, locations, and presentation time. Poster presenters must submit a PDF version of their Poster to AgEcon Search no later than June 4, 2012.  Posters that miss this deadline will need to be withdrawn from the program.

Selected Papers

Selected Papers are allotted 20 minutes at the meeting for presentation. Four papers are included in each Selected Paper session. Authors of Selected Papers need to submit a full version of their paper to AgEcon Search no later than June 4, 2012. Papers that miss this deadline will need to be withdrawn from the program. The full version of the paper has no length limitations, but less than 25 pages is preferred. Double-spaced, 8.5 by 11-inch, single-sided format is requested. Please follow the American Journal of Agricultural Economics style guidelines, with the exception of the single table/figure per page convention.