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August 2014, Issue 15
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Eugenie Maiga: 2014 Uma Lele Mentor Fellowship Award Winner

Congratulations Eugenie Maiga, Université de Koudougou! Eugenie was selected as the recipient of the first Uma Lele Mentor Fellowship award. She is working with her mentor, Ralph Christy on a project titled: The Impact of Foreign Aid-financed versus Domestic Expenditures-financed Agricultural Training on Agricultural Productivity in Five African Countries.

The Uma Lele Mentor Fellowship is a new award supported by the Uma Lele Special Purpose Fund which provides fellowships for early career scholars who are citizens of and reside in a developing country to work with distinguished mentors on cutting edge, policy-relevant research.

At least one fellowship of up to $5,000 will be awarded annually for use over a two year period. The funding is designed to cover the costs of travel and expenses for an Uma Lele Scholar and mentor to work together on a specific project. The fund's ultimate goal is to create vibrant, long-lasting networks of scholars working on current and newly emerging challenges to economic development in these regions. The next call for applications will be posted in the coming weeks.

Congratulations AAEA Award Recipients!

On Monday, July 28, AAEA held its annual Awards and Fellows Recognition Ceremony in Minneapolis, MN. The awards ceremony is AAEA’s opportunity to honor members' contributions to the profession in a variety of categories.

A complete listing of the awards presented during the ceremony, can be found on the 2014 AAEA Award Winners page of the AAEA website.

Please take a moment to congratulate your colleagues on their achievements.

2014 AAEA Award Winners


AAEA Trust News

C-FARE Update

Note: The Exchange is now distributed bi-weekly. The People Section will continue to be bi-monthly and is scheduled to next appear in September. Click here to view the most recent People Section from Issue 13.