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Senior Section

Senior and International Sections Join C-FARE to Sponsor Session on Global Hunger and Hope

Where does the world currently stand with respect to poverty and nutrition? Has there been progress, and, if so, what is responsible for that progress? How do we need to change our thinking regarding agricultural development to foster future gains in food security?

The Senior and International Sections have teamed up to sponsor a track session at the Annual Meeting in Minneapolis to address these questions. These Sections are joined by the Blue Ribbon Development Panel of C-FARE, which is charged with identifying cutting edge solutions to international agricultural development problems that are being developed around the world, and communicating those solutions to a broad audience of practitioners and supporters of agricultural development programs. Noted speakers will explain progress or the lack of it, prospects for nutritional improvement, the challenges to continued growth in agricultural productivity, and the critical role of institutions.

If you are concerned with global hunger, or if you are in any way involved in international economic development, you will not want to miss this session. When the meeting program becomes available, find this session, and put it on your “must” list for the Minneapolis meeting.