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July 2015

July 2015, Issue 14

President's Column

July 2015

The AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting in San Francisco is just two weeks away and we are looking forward to a full slate of outstanding presentations, activities, and opportunities for fellowship with new and old friends alike. I want to take this opportunity to again remind you of a few of the special events that we have planned. I am very excited that we have my former professor, current colleague, and dear friend, David Dickey, as our Sunday night keynote speaker. Dave is one of the most highly cited scholars working in quantitative economics and needs no professional introduction. I am also very pleased that Dan Sumner, another former professor as well as long-time friend and collaborator will be presenting the Fellow’s address Tuesday morning. I’ve been accused of stacking the program with my old professors. Indeed, it might be true and I plead guilty as charged, but I promise that you will greatly enjoy the intellect and insights these two accomplished academics and their presentations will bring to the quality of these meetings!

We are also very pleased to have Professor Anne Case of Princeton as our Galbraith Forum Speaker. Dr. Case has published extensively in the fields of development, public economics, and health and we are all very much looking forward to what we know will be an informative and engaging talk. On Monday, the COSBAE, CWAE, and Extension Sections have a luncheon at which Secretary Karen Ross, who leads the California Department of Food and Agriculture, will be the featured speaker. The International Section and the IATRC have a banquet Monday night at which Dr. David Lobell of Stanford University, who is a prolific writer on climate change issues, will be speaking.

This is my last column as AAEA President. I am very much looking forward to passing the torch and gavel to Jill McCluskey, our incoming AAEA President. I want to take advantage of what might be one of my last opportunities to address the membership as a whole. There are several personal thoughts that I’d like to share, with the full knowledge that we all see the world differently and each possess different ambitions, values, passions, and goals and that these comments may be of interest to no one but me.

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Note: The Exchange is now distributed bi-weekly. The People Section will continue to be bi-monthly and is scheduled to next appear in July 2015. Click here to view the most recent People Section from Issue 10.