
Your organization can sponsor many different types of events at the meeting, such as continental breakfasts or AAEA Section receptions. Sponsorship $2,000 and above receive one free meeting registration, your organization's logo on all of the relevant signage onsite, and a link to your organization's website from this site.


  • One complimentary Annual Meeting registration with sponsorship $2,000 and above
  • Your organization’s logo on all promotional materials and selected meeting signs
  • A link to your organization’s website and your logo on the Annual Meeting website and Meeting app
  • Space for a personalized message from your organization in the App

Your entire sponsorship will go directly to the function or event that you select; the association does not use any of the funds for administrative or overhead expenses. Also, your sponsorship package will be customized so that both organizations receive the maximum benefit from the partnership.

Who Attends these meetings?

Most attendees work in academic departments, government agencies, NGOs, and in the private sector in the fields of agricultural and applied economics.

Last year, the Annual Meeting drew in over 1,300 attendees from 300 different organizations and 35 countries.

AAEA members focus their work on a combination of teaching, research, and cooperative extension programs. Their research covers a broad range of topics, including commercial agriculture, natural resource and environmental economics, and economic and rural development.

About AAEA

The Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) is a not-for-profit association serving the professional interests of members working in agricultural and broadly related fields of applied economics.

AAEA members are primarily employed by academic departments and government agencies in the field of agricultural and applied economics. Their work focuses on a combination of teaching, research, and cooperative extension programs. Their research covers a broad range of topics, including commercial agriculture, natural resource and environmental economics, and economic and rural development.

AAEA Statistics:

Approximately 2,800 members consisting of

  • 66% in academia
  • 23% in government or international service
  • 11% in the private sector

Your entire sponsorship will go directly to the function or event that you select; the association does not use any of the funds for administrative or overhead expenses. Also, your sponsorship package will be customized so that both organizations receive the maximum benefit from the partnership.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Mobile App. (Shared Opportunities)

AAEA is creating a customized mobile app to help engage Annual Meeting attendees. The mobile app includes the meeting program. Features of the app will include a personal scheduling tool, speaker and attendee lists, maps, Twitter and much more! By sponsoring the Mobile app, your organization’s logo would be advertised on the mobile application.

Includes Sponsor benefits plus:

  • $5000     Splash Screen Sponsor (one opportunity).
    • A full-page ad that displays when app is opened. Contact Mary Annen (mannen@aaea.org) for additional information on this premiere sponsorship.
  • $1000     Banner Ad (multiple opportunities)
    • Placed on the main screen of the app for ultimate visibility.

AAEA Welcome Reception. $2,000 (Shared Opportunities)

The reception is open to all attendees and takes place immediately after the Gordon Rausser Keynote Address. The Welcome Reception is the premier event for attendees to network, reconnect and create new relationships, and it is very well attended (approximately 1,100 attendees).

Includes Sponsor benefits plus:

  • Mention in the Meeting app as sponsor of Welcome Reception
  • Banner Ad in the Meeting app

Attendee Refreshment Break(s): $2,000 (Shared Opportunities)

AAEA provides four refreshment breaks. The breaks are scheduled in the common area promoting networking and interaction among exhibitors and attendees.

Monday  â–¡ AM Break, Monday â–¡ PM Break

Tuesday â–¡ AM Break, Tuesday â–¡ PM Break

Includes Sponsor benefits plus:

  • Mention in the Meeting app as a sponsor of an Attendee Break

**NEW** Flash Drives: $1,000 (Shared Opportunities)

Distributed to all attendees at registration. Your organization will be remembered again and again as participants use this Flash Drive imprinted with your organization’s logo. (Note: Sponsor is responsible for supplying these logo items and shipping to AAEA Business Office to arrive by July 1)

Includes Sponsor Benefits plus:

  • Mention in the Meeting app as sponsor of the Flash Drive.

**NEW** Notepads: $1,000

Distributed to all attendees at registration. Your organization will be remembered again and again as participants use the Notepads imprinted with your organization’s logo. (Note: Sponsor is responsible for supplying these logo items and shipping to AAEA Business Office to arrive by July 1)

Includes Sponsor Benefits plus:

  • Mention in the Meeting app as sponsor of the Notepads.

Stylus Pen Sponsor: $750

Distributed to all attendees at registration. Your organization will be remembered again and again as participants use this Stylus Pen imprinted with your organization’s logo. (Note: Sponsor is responsible for supplying these logo items and shipping to AAEA Business Office to arrive by July 1)

Includes Sponsor Benefits plus:

  • Mention in the Meeting app as sponsor of the Stylus Pens.

Customized Opportunities. AAEA is happy to work with you on a customized sponsorship package. If you have any questions or would like to explore our opportunities further, please contact Mary Annen mannen@aaea.org .

Important Dates

December 2, 2024