AAEA seeks submissions for Selected Presentations for the 2025 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. Selected Presentations are a submission category that represents both Selected Papers and Selected Posters. All submissions are reviewed together, and only after acceptance, will the submissions be assigned as a paper or poster presentation. At the time of submission, individuals will have the option for their submission to be considered as a poster only. There is no paper only option.
Submissions for Selected Presentations must include a two-page maximum, single-spaced abstract that provides a clear explanation of what will be presented at the Annual Meeting. Authors should include in this abstract a discussion of the relevance of the topic, research methodology, and potential for generating discussion during the meeting. Please do not include your name, contact information, and sources in the abstract file.
Abstracts must be received by January 15, 2025 EXTENDED to January 22, 2025 (11:59 pm Central), and must be submitted using AAEA’s online Abstract Management System. Material previously presented at other meetings cannot be accepted, and the submitting author will be asked to verify that the material has not been presented elsewhere. When entering the title of your abstract, please be sure to submit the title as you would like it to appear in the program - with proper title capitalization and punctuation.
When submitting your abstract to the abstract system you will need to select three subject codes. The first subject code you select is the subject your abstract will be grouped in when being reviewed. This is an important step as it ensures your abstract will be reviewed by those with expertise in that particular subject. The second or third selected subject code may be used later during the scheduling process if your abstract is accepted.
To assist you with selecting a subject code the Selected Presentations Committee has created keywords for each of the subject codes. We recommend you refer to the keywords for subject codes to help you determine the appropriate subject code for your submission.
If accepted, sessions are comprised of abstracts with the same subject codes. All accepted abstracts will be presented in person only.
Review Process
All submissions will be subjected to a common, double-blind review process. After the review process has been completed, topic leaders will construct coherent Selected Paper Sessions and Lightning Sessions based on a common topic. All remaining accepted presentations will be assigned as posters. Presentation proposal acceptance notifications will be sent via email from the AAEA Business Office in late March. Emails may be received in spam folders. Should you not find an email by mid-April, please feel free to contact the AAEA Business Office at info@aaea.org or at (414) 918-3190.
Poster authors should be available during their assigned intervals during the meeting for questions and discussion. The event program and mobile app will list the poster titles, authors, locations, and presentation time. Poster presenters must submit a PDF version of their poster to the AAEA submission site by May 14, 2025 the extended date of June 18, 2025. Uploads must be below 4 MB in size to be uploaded. AAEA will upload these posters to the AgEcon Search. Posters that miss this deadline will be withdrawn from the program.
Selected Paper Sessions and Lightning Sessions
Up to 8 papers are included in a 90-minute Lightning Session, and up to 4 papers are included in a 90-minute Selected Paper Session. Therefore, each paper presentation in a Lightning Session is allotted 9 minutes, with 7 minutes to present and 2 minutes for discussion. Likewise, each presentation in a Selected Paper Session is allotted 20 minutes, with 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Authors of Selected Papers must submit a full PDF version of their paper to the AAEA submission site by May 14, 2025 the extended date of June 18, 2025. You may submit an updated version later. Uploads must be below 4 MB in size to be uploaded. AAEA will upload these papers to the AgEcon Search. Papers that miss this deadline will be withdrawn from the program. The full version of the paper has no length limitations, but less than 25 pages is preferred. Double-spaced, 8.5 by 11-inch, single-sided format is requested. Please follow the American Journal of Agricultural Economics style guidelines, apart from the single table/figure per page convention.
Additional Important Information
If accepted, presenters of papers and/or posters must be a current 2025 member of AAEA and registered for the 2025 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting by May 14, 2025. Presenters who miss this deadline will be withdrawn from the program. If your institution will be registering you for the annual meeting, please be sure to notify them of this deadline to ensure that you are registered by the deadline.
February 5, 2025